Saturday, December 18, 2010

No More Monkeys Jumping On The Bed

There will be no pictures in this post.  I thought I would spare everyone the gory photos.  You see, last year (in May to be exact) Joel had a bicycle accident which resulted in the loss of his to front teeth (they were baby teeth, thank the good Lord).  You can read about it in my May 2009 blog entries or check out the link at the bottom of this post.  Anyway, today we had another "tooth incident".......
Jude was jumping on his bed (don't judge me! lol) when he tripped over his older brother's legs and slammed his face into his wall.  Ryan & I heard screaming & crying so we ran into their room to find Jude's mouth bleeding.  On closer inspection we discovered that he had knocked a couple of his front teeth loose.  They didn't fall out, but he will definitely not be keeping them too much longer!  Thankfully, his were also baby teeth.  I am happy to say that Jude took it like a man & found the silver lining...
The Tooth Fairy will be visiting him sooner than he expected. :)
Am I the only one that finds it odd that, so far, we have not had one child lose their front teeth naturally?.....

To view Joel's accident photos go here:

Thursday, December 16, 2010

snow, Snow, SNOW!!!!

I know, I know...  It's been a while since I have taken the time to update the blog.  I have no excuse.  That being said, I would like to show off some cuteness from everyone's first snow day this year!  And, as it turns out, was Lucy's first adventure in snow land as well!  Enjoy.

 Daddy & his littlest snow bunny

 Joel taking a break from his fort building endeavors.  He stayed for 3 hours solid that day.  The mini man is a glutten for punishment in the winter! lol

 Jude & Rory eating snow (this has been their favorite snow activity for two years strong now)
 Lucy's first "stand" with snow

I think she likes it

Mommy is so proud of her newest adventurer...  And super tired!