Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Bicycle Accident :(

Joel was riding his bike this evening while Jude, Rory, and I walked Thor around our street. Then it happened. Joel tried to jump the street curb.... And wham! he took a major fall and did a face plant in the pavement. As he was hitting the ground I was running towards him and saw his head bounce off of the street (thank God for helmets) and his two front teeth go flying from his mouth. So, he has sadly lost his baby front teeth prematurely, but he is excited about having a cool reason for the Tooth Fairy to visit! We will probably have to take him to the dentist to make sure he didn't damage anything else in his mouth, but other than looking funny and having a fat lip he is doing great! He is such a trooper.

1 comment:

  1. OUCH!!! How sad for him...I'm glad he is ok!!! We will be praying that his lip will heal up quickly and that no permanent damage was done to his gums.
