Friday, February 13, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!

The kids decided to sit down and create some cute valentines for their grandmas (everyone sigh a collective "aawwww" here..) and we thought you would like to be a part of the festivities. :) You will have to excuse Jude hanging out in his skivvies... If it was up to him we would be a permanent part of a nudist colony!
Joel had his Valentine's Day party at school today and brought home a bag stuffed with cute valentines and candy from his classmates... But he was mostly excited about getting to play bingo in class instead of doing school work. Isn't that funny?! When I was in first grade I don't remember school work being so dreaded. You know, it sucked having to trudge three miles up hill in the snow with holey shoes all the way to school and all, but the school work was fun. Wink, wink.

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